데이터 마이닝 - Predictive Models
Predictive Modeling Applications
- Database marketing
- Financial risk management
- Fraud detection
- Process monitoring
- Pattern detection
Predictive Modeling Training data
Training data case
- categorical or numeric input and target measurements
- 범주형 or 수치형 입력변수와 목표변수 측정
Predictive Model
Predictive model
- a concise representation of the input and target association
- 입력변수와 목표변수 간 연관성의 간결한 표현
- output of the predictive model given a set of input measurements
- 주어진 입력변수로부터 예측모형의 결과
Modeling Essentials
1. Predict new cases
Three Prediction Types
- decision predictions
- A predictive model uses input measurements to make the best decision for each case
- ranking predictions
- A predictive model uses input measurements to optimally rank each case
- estimate predictions
- A predictive model uses input measurements to optimally estimate the target value
- decision predictions
∴ Decision, Rank, Estimate
2. Select useful inputs
- Input Reduction Strategies
- Redundancy
- 불필요한 중복 제거하기
→ 같은 정보를 가진 변수가 있다면 하나만 남기고 제거
- 불필요한 중복 제거하기
- Irrelevancy
- 무관성
- Redundancy
∴ Eradicate redundancies and irrelevancies (불필요한 중복과 무관성을 제거하라)
Why dimension reduction?
- Avoid curse of dimensionality
- Reduce amount of time and memory required by data mining algorithms
- Allow data to be more easily visualized
- Get insight easier
- May help to eliminate irrelevant features or reduce noise
- Reduce complexity of models
The curse of dimensionality (차원의 저주)
- Refers to the problems associated with multivariate data analysis as the dimensionality increases
- “A function defined in high-dimensional space is likely to be much more complex than a function defined in a lower-dimensional space, and those complications are harder to discern” –Friedman
- This means that a more complex target function requires denser sample points to learn it well!
ex) 각 변수가 0~1 사이에 분포하고, 변수(차원)이 10개일 때 전체 자료 중 5%를 관찰할려면 변수별 필요한 범위 $x$는?
$x^{10}$ = 0.05 → 필요한 한 변의 길이는 0.74
ex) 변수가 30개라면? $x^{30}$ = 0.05 → 필요한 한 변의 길이는 0.86
∴ 차원이 늘어남에 따라 필요한 데이터 양이 급격히 증가
↔ 같은 비율(%)의 공간을 설명하기 위해 필요한 데이터 양이 급격히 증가
∴ 변수가 많아도 전체 중 관찰할 수 있는 부분은 극소수
→ 변수가 증가할수록 심각해짐
∴ 데이터의 양보단 질이 중요
3. Optimize complexity
- Data Partitioning
- Partition available data into training and validation sets
- Predictive Model Sequence
- Create a sequence of models with increasing complexity
- Model Performance Assessment
- Rate model performance using validation data
- Model Selection
- Select the simplest model with the highest validation assessment